We are here to help!
The information provided here comes from our extensive training and experience.
By following our tips and working with us as a TEAM, we have a better chance of bringing your pet HOME!
Flyers are Crucial!
Statistics show that posting signs/flyers in the target area (1 mile radius for a lost dog, 3-5 block radius for a lost cat) is the #1 reason that lost pets are found . Download PDF with instructions.
Click here to design a flyer in Canva.
Lost a Dog?
Important tips to follow immediately when your beloved dog is lost! Download PDF
Survival Mode: Don’t call your dog! Download PDF
Watch the following video to learn calming signals.
Lost a Cat?
Important tips to follow immediately when your beloved cat is lost! Download PDF
Lost a strictly Indoor Cat?
Your Indoor-only cat is likely hiding very nearby! Here are some tips that have proven successful. Download PDF
Lost a Newly Adopted or Foster Dog?
A very common occurrence! A new pet needs time to settle in to a new environment and new routines. Download PDF